Please see your system administrator’ for a local account, or ‘Wrong password’ for a Microsoft Account. If the user will enter credentials manually, Windows 10 will show the message ‘Your account has been disabled. The disabled accounts won’t appear on the login screen of Windows 10.
For instance, you could disable your kid’s user account during his/her exams to stop playing games on the PC.
While it is possible to delete a user account permanently, you might want to block it for a short period of time instead. It won’t be possible to use them for signing in after doing that. It is possible to disable certain user accounts in Windows 10. If you have more than one user accounts on your PC, at times, you might want to disable a user account to restrict a user from accessing your PC. You can click the user avatar, enter the password if necessary, and login using the provided credentials. Windows 10 shows you a list of all user accounts available on your PC in the bottom left corner of the logon screen.